Despite how hot it was on Saturday, I went out with the crossbow. Does, does and more does...good lordy they were everywhere and all day long. I reckon because of the drought, they are really stockin up on what few acorns had fell from the oaks, and I was right smack dab in the middle of a hill that happened to be full of em.
I hunted from the ground in a fell over tree. Shootin lanes were few but I took that hit vs the deer traffic. I feared I would get pinned down however and it proved true that evenin. 2 big does came in...the biggest turned facin me, the other faced away about a 10:00 pose...perfect shot. Knowin that I had about 15 mins fore my shootin light ended I took the shot.
Here comes the funny part....I knew I hit doubt. BUT...I hit her with a typical woman thing....I got on a spendin spree 2 weeks ago and bought a new broadhead...they're called crimson somethin er rether...(fergot) but they have spiral shaped blades on em.
So, right fore it got to dark to see, I got up (without my bow) and walked over to where I shot the deer. I kept hearin deer's them dam squirrels. No it aint either...and right when I found the first spatter of blood, I could hear the deer comin. They were walkin in a gully right up the hill to where i i scooted back to the bow as quick as i could. Then I heard the awfullest burpin/belchin kinda sound. I just knew it was the deer I had sounded kiddin.
So, thinkin it was just the deer i had hit in death throws I put the bow back down. Out comes (slowly) a doe...dern...she aint look hurt...then from behind...out comes you know who.
In truth, it was too dark to shoot anyway so in disgust I went home. I was up all night. What if I didnt make a good shot? That deer didnt look hurt..dam bucks too...
Next mornin at light I headed back out. Jumped 4 deer.

I found the bloodtrail, I knew I had to hurry, it was gittin hot.
I kid you not...that doe didnt go 30 yrds fore she fell.
That broadhead blew a hole in her side bigger than the exit of a 50 cal loader bullet. Not a clean slice at looked more like a screw went through her...a giant screw lol. The blood trail was pourin too. Never seen a broad head do that fore...and she was expelled quick to boot.
Which meant...that the other doe was not what made that god awful sound? The buck? Never heared a deer sound like that fore...I wonder what they were
I wanted to go out tomorrow but that depends on wether I have a babysitter er not. If not, I'll go out again Saturday.
I got fresh meat in the freezer and some deer jerky to boot.
Now...I need horns to supplement my diet lol