I hunted black bear over bait for years in north central Ontario (Nipissing District) I sometimes accompanied my guide on his rounds of baiting various stands and carried bait to a stand (after a successful hunt of my own)
I have to tell you something based on my own experience and observations. First is that hunting black bear over bait is no guarantee that the bear will even show up. The bear becomes aware soon enough of the bait -but he's not completely stupid. He knows there's no "free lunch" in Nature. So he may very well locate you -and wait until you leave and then come in to feed. It's location, location, location when it comes to siting a stand and bait. Factors like prevailing wind, setting sun in your eyes, distance of bait from stand and what is brush like around the bait, to mention a few.
I have seen ordinary molasses smeared on a log work like you wouldn't believe. I've seen beef good enough for humans to eat that never produced a visit. Try the suggestions in this thread. Experiment with your own concoctions.
How long before bears show up? Maybe the first day/night. Maybe never. My impression was that the guides would change a hunter's stand after 3 days if no "visits". (I always stuck with the same stand. It's a matter of what makes you more comfortable. The lodge owner used to say that every hour on the stand is money in the bank because sooner or later the bear will show up - unless, he has the stand spotted -which was one reason that I always sat on the ground against a tree)