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Old 11-07-2007, 03:46 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Mansfield, PA
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Another very good book....

I just finished reading Joseph M. Marshall's book, "The Day The World Ended At Little Bighorn."

Marshall is a Lakota Sioux and tells the story of the Custer debacle from the indian viewpoint. His thesis in the book is supported by a recent historical and forensics study of cartridge cases picked up on the battlefield after a grass fire and reported on the History Channel.

Bottom line: There was no heroic last stand at Custer Hill. Both the men and horses were exhausted by a 25-hour forced march the day before and never did the "Rourk's Drift" sort of stand memoralized in movies and books. It was a rout and all died tired and running away.

Silmultaneously, Major Reno and Captain Benteen with fewer men did make a successful stand on a hill just Southeast of the Indian camp on the same day Custer was overrun.

I suppose there are two sides to every story and now we have "the rest of the story."

Adam Helmer
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