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Old 11-07-2007, 08:30 PM
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BILLY D. BILLY D. is offline
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Custer is not/never was one of my military heroes. It seemed to me he was a great Tactical thinker but not a great Strategic thinker. Tactical meaning short range, Strategic meanig long range. Thats why most of his success during the Civil War was over-rated. Most were attacks against smaller groups that were under-manned and under-armed.

He was also an EGOMANIAC. He thought he was invincible. Not what you want as a Commander.

Had he waited and prossesed the common sense the good Lord gave a goose the whole battle that day might have had a different outcome. He did not wait for the other advancing outfits and grossly underestimated the strengths of the opposing forces.

A dashing figure with flair, ubetcha. But those kind of folks get ya killed in combat. In "some" Wars they even got fragged.

It's too bad Libby was married to a bonehead. I admired her. Even after he totally screwed up she supported him. Course that could be to further her own legacy, but not my opinion.

Best wishes, Bill
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