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Old 11-08-2007, 12:22 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Mansfield, PA
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Either the Discovery Channel or History Channel did a foresnics test using the State Police Lab to check empty casing firing pin marks and did treat the battlefield as a crime scene. They proved conclusively that the troopers did not form a skirmish line to hold off the Indians.

The problem is many faceted: First, Custer apparently tried to cross the Little Big Horn River near the Indian camp at Medicine Tail Coulee. The Indians came out enmass and Custer fled to high ground to the East to Last Stand Hill. His 10 companies were in column of four and stretched a half-mile. Second, the Custer column never got to "Circle the Wagons" and the column was broken into many parts and the soldiers killed piecemeal.

Bottom Line: Custer should have brought the two Gatling Guns offered to him by General Terry and placed them ahead of time with two comapanies on Last Stand Hill BEFORE he assaulted the Indian Camp. Cavalry in column of fours is not an offensive or defensive formation.

The Indian accout of the battle corresponds to forensic evidence from the field.

Adam Helmer
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