Thread: lr 270 question
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Old 11-22-2007, 12:43 PM
jeepster jeepster is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: dallas or.
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I use a 270wsm. i use my rangefinder in this case i find my target at let's say 600yrds. start shooting ajusting my scope untill i can aim dead on and hit where i was aiming., consistanly. It works for me,i know the guns zero at that range.

i use the same formula for my 340wby. my 270 is 0 at 400yrds. 140gr hornady bt. the 340 is 600yrds. i rely on my rf before i ever pull the trigger. instead of buying the newer scopes with a lot of rainging built in i rely on what i all ready have. nothing wrong with them at all, there great improvments, i just won't allow myself to purchase every new gizzmo that pops up. i try to be more creative with what i have on hand.

for refernce i print it on a target, then if i ever want to change i always know where to go back to. i use the 270 out to 500 yrds. on deer only, not that it wont work on larger game, that's just my own way. good luck.....

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