Thread: lr 270 question
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Old 11-22-2007, 05:07 PM
bigbrother bigbrother is offline
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Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Crown, PA
Posts: 433
Catfish is correct on needing both of the tools he suggested for long range shooting. One note on range finders, they're not all the same. Just because it says it can range 1000 yds doesn't mean it will. Most of them will range about 70% of their maximum on animals on a good day. So I would try yours out on some animals at 5 to 600 yds to make sure that you can get readings from it. We learned quickly that on groundhogs we could only get 500 yds or so from 1000 yd models. Ranging rocks, bushes may work but if it's standing on an open hill side you could be out of luck. Probably the best non-bino model available is the leica lrf 1200. It will consistently get you to 700/800 yds on deer size animals. You can pick up a simple wind meter for less than $100. Even if you're not fully devoted to this, it will be money well spent as you will up your hit to miss ratio instantly by knowing what the wind is doing where you're shooting from.

Another note about wind. Petey is right that it can change dramatically between where you're at and where the game is at. There are a lot of equations to help you determine what happens with consistent wind, with a stronger wind for the 1st 100 yds, then a lighter wind and so on. The best thing you can do is take a reading where you are, and estimate what the wind is doing at the target. What it's doing where the shooter is, is the most important. It's what starts moving your bullet off the direct path to the target.

That's why everyone that enjoys long range shooting says to practice. It's the experience in shooting in differing conditions that will help you make 1st shot kills on animals that your friends won't believe.

Catfish, let me know if you want to get together and shoot some groundhogs next summer. we always enjoy shooting with another long ranger. We have a farm we can shoot on out to 1 mile
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