Thread: Ziess Conquest
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Old 12-03-2007, 10:38 AM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Guys I didn't say it wasn't a good scope.. I said it isn't an American is assembled in the US(from Foreign parts)...kinda like TV's and cars. I really don't think the quality is as good as a Leupold it costs a bit more than a Leupold(comparing 3x9x40) and they are trading on their name. Some people will buy the name rather than the quality. When ya think 1000 dollar scope for 400 bucks. Y'all know it ain't happening...but some people think otherwise. Made for the American market...not sold in Europe....wonder why?? I think y'all know the reason as well as I do. Just my idle thoughts from an almost idle mind

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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