If you came all the way up to Ray's to pick up your gun, then you drove right by some of our prime groundhog fields off I-80. We'll be hunting tomorrow so I'll let you know how the 180 Bergers perform on deer out of the 7.
We'll hit our typical spot, but if it doesn't produce anything by early morning I have a new spot about an hr to the North where we can shoot at least a mile in either direction and 600+ yards behind you. It is an awesome place to say the least and you can literally shoot 280-300 degrees around you. They got 18" of snow there on Monday and a little more the rest of the week, so initially we're going to hunt where there's only about 4" of snow (plus it's only a 35 min drive)
The weather looks fairly good. Teens to low 20's but there will be some snow accumulation, so hopefully it doesn't hinder our vision. Wind may play a factor since they are calling for about 10 mph. Hopefully we'll have some pictures, video and stories to share by the weekend.
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect