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Old 12-10-2007, 09:55 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Eastern England
Posts: 550
Well it looks like my suspicions about the bedding is more than likely correct. This afternoon I took the rifle apart and started to remove the old bedding compound. It came out mostly very easily ......... too easily in fact most of it came out in large lumps. So in fact it was not bonded to the wood ................................. which leads me to believe that it was moving hence the shot stringing.

Also the amount of bedding at the most important points the recoil surface of the recoil lug was minimal, I mean there was about only 0.010" of compound there.

Examining it all carefully I also discovered that the rear tang was not making contact properly as the action was making contact in front of the trigger so using chisels I have relieved all the high spots levelled the bedding surface and removed moe wood to there is room for a reasonable amount of compound. Light has gone and it's pretty dark in the mobile home so mixing the Glasbed and putting it in will have to wait until tomorrow.
"Don't let the bastards grind you down"
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