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Old 12-15-2007, 07:02 AM
fishdoggydog fishdoggydog is offline
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Southern Wisconsin
Posts: 218
As you will note in Petey's post, he did work on the triggers. My CVA also needed work on the triggers, and when you take apart peened together components, I guarantee the warranty is voided. So if you want to avoid that, adjustable triggers are a nice feature, but the rifles with that cost more. Stainless is also a nice feature, again you pay more, I went cheap and that is fine for me. I have reworked triggers, different sights, and a rifle I can beat up and not worry about, not like taking scratch built heirloom quality guns afield. I went with a 50 cal. for more punch to kill elk with.
Born twice,die once!
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