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Old 12-18-2007, 11:12 AM
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Skinny Shooter Skinny Shooter is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: The Grassy Knoll
Posts: 1,492
Thumbs down Just had an oil fill-up

Our fuel oil tank for the studio took 230gals at $3.199/gal and the price was $735.77
The delivery guy stated it had been $3.35 and recently came down.
After we put a pellet stove into service there is still a full tank of fuel oil left-over for the house from last February.
We estimate that we will burn about 3.5 tons (at $204.00/ton) of pellets at an approx cost of $700 for the entire winter.
We have two tons stored under roof out back and will be getting another ton after Christmas.

Wood would be nice (and I prefer it) because I can get it for free but have limited time to cut, split and stack wood for a sole source of home heat.
That's a lot of firewood for the winter.
I do have a woodstove in my forge and don't even burn through more than a cord over winter.
Member: The Red Mist Culture
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