Hey Skinny
Just bought a couple of Pellet Stoves out here in Wy. Pellets are at about 180 a ton. Just built a garage and put one out there so i can finish it off in relative comfort. Put the other in the basement of the house. Heat the basement and the floors are warm upstairs too. The house has electric baseboard heat. Very efficient liquid/gel based heaters but we mostly use the wood stove. We'll burn about 4 cords in a normal year...but the wood here is mostly pine/spruce/cedar. I have been cleaning up some cottonwoods my neighbor killed a few years ago. 6 trees and they all have about 2 or more cords each. Picking up all that wood that the cleanup crews are leaving around is a great idea. BTW to get firewood in this area..ya go to the forest service people and for about 20 bucks ya get a permit to cut 4 cords of firewood in the National Forest. All dead trees ..some are already cut down and dry. Mostly beetle killed trees i guess. Pellets are much easier to deal with though. Meaning to ask Is Shyda's still in operation?? Hunker down and stay warm guy..winter is here ya know?
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin