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Old 12-20-2007, 01:24 PM
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petey petey is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: "Pitch Pine", PA
Posts: 65,793
PA Archery kill last year. Video is a bit shakey, but I was running the camera and shooting the bow at the same time. Unfortunately I bumped the camera when I drew my bow so you don't get the impact shot. Video is dumbed down for file size, so it's not as clear as on TV.

Click here for video

My video this archery season turned out a lot better. Filmed 10 different bucks, passed up over 15 before I took a buck on the final day. I switched to shooting a recurve instictively this season, had a blast and shoot a good buck, which got me pretty well hooked on it. They die just as quick with a bare bones recurve as they do with a decked out Mathews with all the features

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
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