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Old 12-20-2007, 05:18 PM
multibeard multibeard is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: west michigan
Posts: 503
HOW ya doing Red?

I am heating my house with a little ole wood stove with a blower down in the basement. I think almost all of the outdoor frunaces are also hooked up to the domestic water systems.

It is my neighbor that is talking about putting in a big outdoor furnace and splitting the cost and wood supply.

I still don't have all my wood hauled in from the property as I didn't want to disturb the three whole deer I saw on my 30 acre property. Now it is all I can do to bust my way in with my 4wd due to the snow, let alone haul a trailer in and out with wood. Hoping for a January thaw.

If you decide to go to Disney World some time I can probably hook you up with your old freind Boehr.LOL I think he might be driving a bus down there since he retired and moved to Fla.

Little private joke about lilred not being literate enough to understand the Michigan dog hunting/training laws. The natives can't understand our stupd regs let alone a tranplant.
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