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Old 01-03-2008, 07:04 AM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Central VA
Posts: 1,674
Skeet...fer Lord's careful! Glad yer ok!
And...I spy a Valigator on the's GOOD to see you girlie!

It's so nice to see all you men with your manly gifts
Ya know...some of us women dont mind a manly gift, like a rifle er a new set of coveralls.....take hint from me:

"Santa" brought me the most amazin things this year. A pair of pink ( fuzzy slippers and a mint green housecoat.

That thing is so bright, it could send a homin beacon clean to Dom's house over yonder crost the big pond.

I kinda scratched my head fer a while..I was tryin to figure out what I done to make him so mad at me. Then I figured it coulda been worse, he coulda got me a vacuum. I put on the pink fuzzy slippers....WARM.
The housecoat I put on...WARMER.
I reckon the choice of colors coulda been better...but they serve the purpose good.

So, if ya see a bright light when ya cross the Virginia's just me..c'mon over and I'll fix ya some supper with some naner puddin fer desert. All you gotta do is follow the pink & mint green brick road to my house. I wouldnt come at night cause on counta the feds are after me...they think i'm poachin with the wrap-around spotlight I got on
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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