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Old 01-03-2008, 01:24 PM
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BILLY D. BILLY D. is offline
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Combine Poo-Ying, Alcohol, and charged up Men= FIGHT. Reminds me of 'nam.

Shucks, just sit back, put your feet on the table and enjoy the festivities.

At Phu Cat in '68 there was a slight disagreement between the AP's a two ROK guys. Over a "girl", after too much booze. Get the drift here?

Well the Commander of The Air Police sent in the re-enforcements. Four of our best Cops and two German Shepard Dogs. The ROK's assessed the situation and the first things to go flying out the Bar was two quite dead GERMAN Shepards followed closely by 4 Air policeman. They were still alive though. Koreans don't really like dogs a whole lot. Next was the 4 Cops.

The AP Commander was notified of the situation and Called the ROK Commander and the Base Commander for for a meeting. And they all showed up at the Club to straighten things out. The bad thing about the situation was the NCO clubs would hire local girls, ie: ladies of the night. some were cute and the ones that weren't started looking that way about 1230 at night. They could have hired Males but thats another story.

Any way it's darned hard to keep your mind on a good Poker or Black Jack game with all these distractions a going on.

By the way, the ROK'S were Republic of Korea Soldiers that were responsible for Security Of the Base perimeter. Might I add they were DAMNED good at their job. They could make an M-60 or a 40mm Pom-Pom sing a beautiful song. Never had to worry with those guys around. Boy, could they fight. The only people I respected more were the Montagnards. Thats another story.

If you want to have a lot of fun, mix Booze, Men and Women in an isolated location and wait for the fun to begin. As much as I like booze and Women I never found any that were worth getting beat up or dying for. Except.

Best wishes, Bill
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