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Old 01-16-2008, 10:55 AM is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: western pa.
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Classic I don't know if you can 'train' a beagle. My experience with them and most dogs is the more they like you, the more they will do to make you happy. Beagles need taken to the woods often, run bunnies so they can learn all the tricks those little hairs have in their basket and they do have lots. I never called it training when doing things like teaching them the difference in a deer and a bunny. They know they are there to hunt but just 'what' to hunt is where the training would come in I guess...I have had a few beagles, and an irish setter that was trained off whistles...great ...most fun to me is the beagle. Love that sound. Have fun. Oh and if you do get to hunt with them, make darn sure you talk with who you hunt with. I had one of my best shot right in front of me by a meat hunter. Also if you watch those hunt shows on tv, you see some meat hunters shoot right over the dogs head....I can' t believe they do that with a shotgun...dogs have to take a few BB's..
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