Red....If I've said it once, I've said it a Million times.....
We (hunters/Shooters) are Our own worst enemy.
I see it all the time.
In addition to hunting, I like to shoot.
I like all types of guns, What ever they might be.
I own guns from a .50BMG rifles.
I own pistols, shotguns, blackpowder, and bolt actions.
I also like surplus/military arms, and own several.
Even the dreaded "EVIL BLACK RIFLES" and a few AK varients.
I shoot, and enjoy them all...and have hunted with most of them.
But whenever My "Evil" guns are out at the range....I get one of three reactions...
(1.) "WOW! Cool!" In this case I will gladly talk, educate, and many times let the people/person..even take a shot or two.
(2.) "Is that a Machine gun/Assault Rifle/Full Auto/Baby Killer/Cop Killer/Etc.??!??!?" In this case, I try to correct their misinformed ideas..but many times it's a loosing much Hollywood/TV.
(3.) "Why would ANYONE even want/need one of those? You can't HUNT with them!/ They aren't any good for anything but spraying from the hip!/ Who are you going to kill with that THING!?!" In most cases, I'm just going to give them my patented "GO-AWAY, YOU ARE BOTHERING ME!" stare/ I've tried th reason/logic approach so many times..with very little good results to bother with it again.....they are "Lost" with little hope of ever returning to reality. My small, consistent little to educate them, that these are not "wall hangers/blunderbuss shooting bullet hoses", but working good(and some of them..GREAT) shooting guns. Their minds are made up, and there isn't anything I can show them, tell them, of prove to them that will change that.
It is sad, but true.
Ask Mr. Zumbo about it some time........
Tall Shadow