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Old 01-19-2008, 08:29 AM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Central VA
Posts: 1,674's the link to the fishin game hubby and I are tryin to whoop each other on. He's sittin at 560 lbs and I just caint do it. It's called patience and that was denied me by my ancestors lol...

River Fishin Game

The link to the hunting games...

Hunting Games

Which is the same site where I visited the forum. Rev Billy, Tammy Red has done already been workin on em in the thread...couldn't resist
Ya'll would be proud...I aint go off on em er nuthin, although I probaly should have. Nonetheless, I was perty harsh...but in a nice way...which is very difficult
Oh well...i'm glad to be back home on HC cause it's insane out there.
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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