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Old 01-19-2008, 10:34 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
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I agree completely with you. In our local paper, I just read a story where an LEO arrested and beat a guy, because the guy was a rival for a love interest (i.e., woman). Yeah, supposedly there was probable cause for the stop, and supposedly the IO found drugs in the vehicle, but the assisting officers said that there really wasn't any reason for the IO to have beaten the guy and the assisting officers also said that it was highly unlikely that there was probable cause for the stop. The county is being sued for $3.7 million and the officer for $1.3 million. The sad part about it all is that the officer is still on the force. How exactly this can happen, I have no idea.

My answer to the SWAT guy would have been, "Exactly how many murders have you stopped recently, and exactly how many have there been in your jurisdiction?" By the time SWAT is on the scene, it has already hit the fan. I'd rather not have to make a call that would get SWAT involved in my situation, because at that point it is a complete mess.
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