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Old 01-24-2008, 12:58 AM
TheSollyLama TheSollyLama is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Colorado
Posts: 14
I love to squirrel hunt, but haven't found many in huntable areas in CO.

I loved my father's old Savage model 24 with a .22LR/.410 over and under. The first gun I ever shot.

I had a box of .22 shorts that I would play hell with the local bushytail population. Used the .410 more on rabbit, but sometimes the running squirrel got a butt full of pellets. That gun is more valuable to me than most anything else I have.

But it broke and it's gone unrepaired for years. Now I like my Marlin model 25 bolt action. Says to only use .22LR, though. But it too was my dad's, just not from the 50's like the Savage. It's one of the guns that ALWAYS makes the trip to the range.

This year I got my daughter a Rossi Matched Pair Youth Model and we're doing some range time to get her ready for next squirrel season. It has a .22LR barrel and a .410 barrel.

I also take my little single action six shooter with .22LR or .22Mag in it for close up fun.
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