Thread: 410
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Old 01-24-2008, 01:08 AM
TheSollyLama TheSollyLama is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Colorado
Posts: 14
no answers. I assume your typo means .410

The pellets will hit down range at common shotgun distances. The .410 simply lacks pellet count, not powder. So patterns get thin (at least in my experience) beyond 20 yards or so. Especially on larger shot sizes like number 4's.
Number 4's will do the deed at shotgun range, there just aren't many of them in that little shell.

The .410 is best used with birdshot, number 7 and up. Which of course limits the range with loss of energy per pellet.

I grew up using a .410 my dad grew up using. I have had success with it (and of course lost a few) and it's come within 30 yards. Beyond that patterns are awfully thin.

Most .410's come with a full choke to compensate for thin patterning, but the numbers don't lie- it's not power you lack with a .410 but simply pellet count.
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