I got this from Ammoguide.com...
The 4.6x30mm is a relatively new Heckler Koch Personal Defense Weapon round. Dimensional details provided by A.G. Williams, author of 'Rapid Fire', based on a round in his personal collection.
The 4.6x30mm is an impressive round, defeating body armour at extended ranges with virtually no recoil. Chambered in the MP7/PDW, initial manufacture started in 2001, and in 2005 was adopted by UK MOD police.
The PDW is halfway between a pistol and a carbine and bears a striking resemblence to the FN P90 in 5.7x28mm. The PDW may be fitted with 20, 25 and 40 round-magazines and is operated as a selective-fire weapon including a full-automatic mode. Stated cyclic rate is 950 rounds-per-minute.
The 24.7 grain bullet leaves the PDW at 2379 fps with 312 ft-lbs. energy.
More info as well as a direct comparison to the FN P90 in 5.7x28mm is available at
Heres a pic... [IMG]http://ammoguide.com/cgi-bin/ai.cgi?sn=pMeLbYKSIH&catid=359[IMG]