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Old 02-05-2008, 03:17 PM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
Join Date: Nov 2000
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The VDGIF has finished the "focus group" meetins...and I thought the result were funnier an hell. They included dialogue of the conversations that went on durin these meetins...and I couldnt have said it any better myself and I thought ya'll might enjoy readin em.
What happens now is hard to say. There is alot of consipracy theories runnin round on who actually started this crap..and even the woods and waters magazine had a hilarious article on the whole thing.
I dont think all the letter writin, comments, emails and news articles will save the tradition of deer huntin with hounds tho. Virginia is in a terrible state...all the baccer farmers got pushed out of a livin with NO help hardly for the loss from the state...(yet the state got 4 billion...yep...billion dollars.. from suin the baccer companies, the biggest in the same dam state in Richmond!!)...but not alot was sent the farmers way...and now all those farms are subdivisions...with...well...(I will behave) city slickers.
If anybody ever wondered what some of them confederates felt like....well this is bout as close as we can git.
I got folks in GA who would part near whoop a wrassler to see me move to GA...God ferbid, I might have to take em up on the offer if things keep goin the way they're goin round here..'s the link:

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"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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