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Old 06-30-2008, 01:22 PM
rattus58 rattus58 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Hawaii
Posts: 487
Personally, if you crossed the border illegally, I'm wondering how come we aren't sending a 20MM into the crowds personally. We have snipers in Iraq doing 300 to 1000 yard shots with 30-06's, .308's, and the lovely .50's. Personally I'm tired of the rhetoric from all these apologists for the Mexican Government and illegals. Our country is our castle... we should have some kind of home invasion protection for our borders.

It's like pigs. Sure they are great eating (benefit to the public) but tear up crops, fields, pastures, and compete for food for our own native wildlife. Is the answer to trap and kill (the multiply worse than rabbits from adolescents... sound familiar?) or to trap and take them back to next door from where they came?

I think armed predators should be flying along the borders and just take out a few as the touch the line. An armed AC130... now that would be "spooky"... We could translocate a few of them poor california condors to the border for clean-up what's wrong with that? Then maybe we could get back to hunting again...
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