Thread: Hi Score Scope
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Old 07-30-2008, 05:58 PM
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jon lynn jon lynn is offline
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Having lived in Germany for many, many moons, I learned the term "Made in Germany" is a loose term at best.

Several smaller companies like Seeadler and RWS, purchase scope components. By German law if it is assembled in the Bundes Republik with one German made part in it, it may be labled as “Made in Germany”

I have been hitting the web, mainly GOOGLE DEUTSCHLAND, and I can’t find squat. I know Hensoldt made scopes for NATO purposes and wound up on some German hunting rifles. It was a simple 4x with a post reticle. And Aus Jena, and Dokter which used to be Zeiss in the old Cold War days, made very limited scopes for sales to the west without the usual Zeiss fanfare, but I am having trouble finding older German adverts to narrow what it could be.

But I will keep looking, I might even send my old German gunsmith an e-mail and ask him if he can pin point something. There are a few older brands of scopes I can’t remember the names of, that I saw at small German versions of swap meets (NOTHING LIKE HERE!).
I tell you I don't get no respect. Why, the surgeon general, he offered me a cigarette. (Rodney)
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