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Old 07-31-2008, 12:37 PM
Rancid Crabtree Rancid Crabtree is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: WI
Posts: 191
Making Venison Brats or Italians

For a 10 pound batch

5 pounds of lean Venison
5 pounds of fatty pork Or ground pork
5 tbsp salt
1 tbsp cracked fennel seed
2 tsp course black pepper
1 tbsp sugar
3 tsp crushed hot pepper (more if you like)
1 tsp caraway seeds
1 tbsp coriander
2 1/2 cups ice water.

Grind both meats and mix by hand.
Mix all spices and water and pour over meat
Mix by hand again
grind meat again through a finer plate than the first grind
If you have a sausage stuffer you can make links.
If you don't have a stuffer you can make Italian patty's
there just as good but you use a hamb. bun instead.

For Bratwurst, you leave out the Fennel and the hot pepper and add 2 tsp of mustard powder

Pics make it easier to explain.

Step 1. Get your Son to skin the deer. Tell him you need to take pics.

Step 2. Get your Son to grind up and mix the meat. Use the same excuse from step 1.

After he stuffs and twists the links (while you take pics) Allow him to cook some for you and him.
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