Thread: Very thankful
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Old 11-21-2008, 12:16 PM
VaRedneck VaRedneck is offline
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Posts: 180
Very thankful

I'm grinning this morning.

The weather stations were calling for snow flurries and wind. I stepped out at a little before 6a.m. to 34* and light winds out the west. Things couldn't have been nicer. Fearing the worst I had grabbed a sleeping bag to climb into once on stand. Decided against it when everything was so nice.

I climbed on up into the stand feeling pretty good, sat and enjoyed some coffee. (I really am getting used to having coffee in the stand.....might have to figure how I can make that a regular thing.)After sitting there for almost an hour I was wishing I had that sleeping bag. Feet were getting cold...had to start hunching down....making myself small. Hadn't seen a thing. Wondered if I'd made a mistake...maybe I shoulda been in my climber half a mile away?

Wind starting to pick up...losing what little I can hear.

There....just over the hill....coming outa the pines...doe.....moving pretty good...OH YEAH.....guess who's following....

BOOM.....perfect shot.....he made twenty down hill yards.

I used that Browning 81L BLR in 30-06 that was given to me years ago. 8pt dressed out at 200lbs

"Pain is weakness leaving your body."

Last edited by VaRedneck; 11-25-2008 at 08:30 PM.
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