Wrenchman, we started Saturday.
Friday morning I took the Savage (.243), and a friends Mossberg ATR (.30-06), to the range.
In Germany I still have my Savage 10 in .308. I always loved Savage, I used to own quite a few, but always had to tweak them a bit, you know bed the action, replace trigger and what not.
But I visually bore sited the .243 at 25 yards, and got it on paper in the five inch bulls eye in 2 shots. Zeroed it at 100 yards with 5 shots, the first two were one shot at a time just to count clicks, next three were just a smidgen less than a quarter-sized group right in the middle of the dead center. I purchased a pack of Walmart cheapie targets, the center circle has a 1/2" green dot.
The zeroing in was with Federal Hi Shock, then I took some Core Lokt, and got the first round a bit wide ('bout an inch and a half) of the Federal holes, but no biggie it is a different brand, but the next two roudns........TWO IN THE SAME HOLE!!
I didn't have to tweak a danged thing. Savage is my favoriate basic rifle, but I never just took one out of the box and shot it (well I did clean it and check all the screws and stuff for safety sake). I didn't even fiddle with the accutrigger.
I was a little worried about the tupperware stock, but not any more.
And the Mossberg was sweet too! Three rounds, 1 1/4" from jump street. The trigger was pretty danged good, didn't have a way to measure pull, but it was under what I expected. This one had no travel issues, but just a slight bit of creep, but truly not enough to mention.
If all the ATR's are equal, get one, I mean it. The only reason I didn't get one was Wally World ran out when I got to the counter Friday night. But deep down I am still happier I got the Savage.