I won't be able to head out until next weekend. My wife has family from both coasts descending on us today for Thanksgiving. Tomorrow I load up the smoker with 2 turkeys, 3 turkey breasts, & a spiral ham. That along with a smorgasboard of various fixins should keep the 20 houseguests nice and sedated on the various couches and sofas in my house while I squirrel away somewheres private to pass gas and read some more of my reloading books.
Seriously, this has been a rather disapointing season as far as deer that I have seen afield. While I immensely enjoy the peace and solitude of the woods, it has been disconcerting the lack of movement during daylight hunts. In 120 hours of archery hunting, seen a total of 7 deer. (One of these, a doe, I arrowed. One of these, a nice 8 point, I boogered up by hastily shooting the aforementioned doe too soon

Last weekend of the first firearm season, I saw a total of 1 doe that took an abrupt angle out of a good sight picture of my shotgun scope. Didn't like the shot so she walked and that was that.
I am going to hit some other areas next weekend for the 2nd season. I am always thankful for the opportunity to hunt, regardless the results! Good luck to all and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Ya'll stay safe out there!