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Old 12-08-2008, 07:06 PM
54roundball 54roundball is offline
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Posts: 16
I dont know if i can really explain in enough detail on how to paper patch bullets. I learned how to from several articles written by Ross Seyfried the latest which is in the Dec 2002 issue of Handloader. I also had an article wrote by him on the same subject for Guns And Ammo in the 80s or 90s but Ive misplaced it. Basically I start out with my as cast #533476 slug which measures 0.533" coming from the mold I then wrap it with regular 20 Pound office paper which measures 0.004" thick.The patch I apply to the bullet goes around the bullet 2 times which gives you four thicknesses of the paper. But actually you get a little less than the 0.016" due to shrinkage. To find the length of the patch I go to the formula Pi= Circumference/ Diameter Thusly Circumference=Pi X Diameter. So for my bullet 0.533 X 3.14 X 2 ( 2 being there for going around the bullet 2 times)which equals 3.35" to convert the decimal amount .35 to a fraction multiply it by 32 which gives you 11.2 which I rounded to 11 which means 3.35" equals 3 11/32" which is the length of your patch. The patch is in the shape of a parallelogram. With the angles on the end being 60 degrees. After the patch is applied the bullet now measures around 0.547" a much better fit to my barrel which measures 0.550". On how to apply the patches to the bullets I would suggest you buy the back issue of this magazine . Possibly on Ebay or contact Wolfe Publishing.
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