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Old 12-30-2008, 09:11 AM
Rancid Crabtree Rancid Crabtree is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: WI
Posts: 191
After 24 hours, the clamps are removed and thus begins the tedious task of getting off the epoxy covered tape.

The joint is a good one with no gaps, just a nice thin line of epoxy between the blank and the scales.

The next step is to shape and smooth the handle. This is done with belt and palm sanders with various grits and then hand sanding and finally steel wool. I am pleased with how well the WBH logo shows through the epoxy.

The final step to finishing the handle is to apply several coats of tung oil finish. I rub each coat in with my finger tip and let it dry for 24 hours. I then buff it with fine steel wool and apply another coat. 4 coats should be enough. This wood has already been stabilized, It is already water proofed but this will further seal and water proof the wood and act as more of a protective coating that will take the abuse of every day use and if scratched, can be repaired with another rubbing with Tung oil and a little buffing.

While the four coats are applied and drying, It's time to make a sheath................
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