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Old 01-23-2009, 12:09 PM
Larryjk Larryjk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Rawlins, WY
Posts: 824
Hudson River plane crash cause found!

The front range of Colorado is full of "Honkers". It started by a flock brought to the Denver Federal Center for some type of research by the Fish & Wildlife. They spread out from there and were joined by wild geese that felt this wasn't a bad place to stay. Since the liberal locals won't allow hunting in very many areas, guess what! The geese have multiplied like flies. They are fun to see but a real pain in the butt at times. I remember swating them with my briefcase to keep from getting bit in the leg when you walked by them on fed-center grounds.
My brother-in-law moved to Arvada, CO, and laughes about all the prairie dogs in any undeveloped area, and the peoples concerns about the plague the fleas carry. But you don't dare shoot or displace one of the little buggers. He said some must be 5 pounders.
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