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Old 03-12-2009, 11:20 AM
ss7mm ss7mm is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 11
Rifle raffle to benefit Ian McMurchy's wife and family

First of all I'd like to thank your admin for allowing me to post this message. If it's in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it as needed.

Ian McMurchy passed away on 12-19-2008.

He was a long time writer, contributor to the gun world, LRH moderator and contributor and a giant of a man. He will be forever missed. He has left a huge hole in our community. You can read many articles and hunting stories by Ian at

In conjunction with Thompson/Center and Nikon along with several of our site Sponsors, the members of would like to present a raffle to benefit Ian's widow and family.

To read the details and to buy raffle chances go here to see about the raffle.


Thanks guys.

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