Hey GOB, great article, enjoyed it very much, I think what you are missing here is what has happend in the last 10 years in the knife world. Knives have become EXTREEMLY high priced ART, JUST LIKE STUFF AT THE GALLERY OR MUSEUM...
A RECENT AUCTION BROUGHT $300,000 FOR A ORIGINAL LOVELACE PIECE, I belive it was a somewhat scraggly looking double tang fighter blade, made 20 years ago..by Bob LOVELESS..., AND Scagles run anywhere from $30,000 to $100,000 a peice, most hi end switchblades are daily sold at $5000 to $40,000 a peice depending on the maker...
there are litterally hundreds of thousands of makers out there, many who produce stuff that is jaw dropping in its design and appearance...and you would never hear of their names, then you have those "common everyday well known makers " ...who produce run of the mill stuff on request... Yes prices have gotten insane, you probably have no idea how bad it reall is.. HOWEVER... the recent economic crash has CERTIANLY put a dent in the purchasing power and asking prices of these peices..the next major east coast show should reflect this...it will be outreagous prices from makers as usual ..but this time customers will just walk away instead of dickering as their bottom line purchasing power is going to be MUCH LESS this year..... you will proably also see ALOT OF GREAT DEALS by collectors who are money challenged...and need what they can get... the knife world is going to suffer great adjustment this year... like everything else... personally.. I think the knife world will come out of it in better shape for the long run... grossly overinflated prices will have been knocked down to something reasonable... I HAPPEN TO LIKE REASONABLE.. im sure most of us do...
as for your friends value on that wall, dont worry, he wont loose any money...in another couple years he will be able to get a nice profit easily for his pieces agian...