Thread: knifemaking?
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Old 05-13-2009, 11:10 PM
longdistanceoperator longdistanceoperator is offline
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you will need to soften the blade, draw a template on it for the knife shape, cut it out on a bi metal blade bandsaw , waterjet or laser cutter, id try to avoid cutting it out with a circular cutting wheel , that ruins the metal immediatly around the cut, it superheats it and makes it brittle as heck...then you have to spend time grinding it off and thats a real pain. once you have your knife roughed out... then you need to flatten running it on a flat platten sander ..or maby by hand with a flat sander if your energetic, u need to cover the entire blade and shank in one stroke.. so its all even..both sides.. next you need to cut your grind into the blade, the easiest is a flat grind, and can be done with one of several methods and tools, once you have your grind and done the tip, your ready to start working down in grit on the entire surface removing work marks and scratches till its nice and smoooth... next you need to reharden the blade area only, and then quench it.. then temper it...
all of these are a bit much to describe here...look em up... your almost done , need a final polish or finish and handles. thats it in a very short nutshell...
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