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Old 05-14-2009, 10:13 AM
BriBri BriBri is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Taxachusetts
Posts: 68
More anti- efforts from Mass state

I often check the NRA-ILA website for (legislation-related) info for my state (of imprisonment in) Massachusetts. The below article (from May 7) is just another example of the liberal government's efforts to violate our second amendment rights.

Here is an except:

"Yesterday, Governor Deval Patrick (D) filed legislation that would severely curtail the rights of gun owners in the Commonwealth. The bill entitled, “An Act to Reduce Firearm Violence,” is in essence a repeat performance of Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998.

Among other things, this bill would:

  • Limit firearm purchases to one per 30-day period;
  • Require the private transfer of all firearms to be conducted through a federally licensed firearms dealer, and;
  • Allow the Colonel of the Department of State Police to destroy surrendered firearms instead of auctioning them for sale."

I think the government (especially Massachusetts) has other more pressing issues to deal with than this. Kinda makes me want to get more involved in the political arena to fight this nonsense.
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