Thread: gun cleaning
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Old 12-19-2009, 11:20 PM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Northwest Wyoming
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Works real well for getting the hair off..oops..wrong idea. I used to wax my ol 1100 on the outside....and waxed the ends of the stock and inside the forend. Not too keen on boiled linseed myself. Never seems to really get dry. I was guiding and we had lots of nasty weather. Helped a bit I guess. But when it got really nasty I always took it apart and cleaned anyway. But it did keep it from getting too bad. After cleaning with oil etc I had to re wax anyway. If it got dropped in the river or bay..once in the ocean..I detailed it and put an extra stock and forend on. A dry one. Lots of stuff happened while duckin..Friend dropped my 6 cell mag lite overboard one morning. It was on. Found it 30 mins later while movin some decoys. Still on. fished it out by the lanyard I had on it with a boat hook. It had been waxed and I still have it. Salt water too down on Assateague Island. I did clean it up a bit later that night.

A guy I hunted with some lost his Auto 5 in the Nanticoke river.. in 5 ft of water. Found it about 5 days later..on a really low tide..Nothing woulda helped it. Finish was GONE.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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