Originally Posted by buckhunter
Glad your better. Lyme can be aweful.
As it stands right now, the doctors have no idea what I had. One thinks it was lyme, but all the tests came back negative for lyme. At one point, the blood work came back as a kidney problem, but then it came back as normal (i.e., just under the high level) a week later. Then, the rheumatologist thinks I might have had reactive arthritis, but there is no way to test for that. So, as it stands right now, I feel 99% compared to the 30% I was feeling at the end of September. The only thing that bothers me is my ankles and feet on occasion, but that is usually only when I have been going through sleep deprivation due to work, etc. Honestly, I'll take it and live with it with a big smile on my face if I never, ever, feel as bad as I did at the end of September.