Originally Posted by kt
things looking up?
i have been trying this whole optimism thing on lately.
after 2 weeks of 15 degrees saturday was in the 40's. went out with some friends and just had no expectations. i sat where they told me to and didnt add my two sense anywhere (although the set up was backwards and the birds worked behind us.) none the less we smacked the canadas really hard. went out and got a big doe at night. it was a taste of the goodness that i miss in my hunting life.
The bad times make the mediocre time feel great, and the good times feel wonderful.
Sometimes, it isn't a bad idea to set the decoys/blind up backwards. I have seen it done on TV hunting shows. Essentially, they are shooting the birds in the back when the birds are not looking right at them. So, the birds have no idea what is going on. It allows for some pretty easy shooting. Is that what you experienced KT.
By the way, great to hear you had a great time. Me, I think I am finally caught up with work and am going to head out next week for some hunting before I get too involved with tax season.