I picked up a .17 MK 4 in Dec. and findly got it out to play with yesterday. After I worked my way up to 20.5 grs. of powder I started playing with bullet seating depth. I was loading 20 gr. Bergers, 20 gr. Hornadys, and 22 gr. Calhoons. When I started working up the powder load I had the bullets jammed hard into the lands, that way I don`t have to worry about presure goin up as I back them out. I found that this gun like the bullet to jump for best accuracy. The Calhoons shoot the best when jammed in with the first group fired being a .545. the H`s were .792 and the B`s were 1.425. Backed off .010 The C`s dropped to .250, the H`s to .712 and the B`s to .935. Another .020 deeper had the H`s down to .528, but got a .225 with the B`s. I pulled one of the C`s, and throughed it out to a .579 with 2 holes touching. I could not seat them any deeper as I had the seating die down against the rem and the seater screwed down as far as possible.

Seems this gun is more picky about bullet seating depth than any I`ve had in a while, but she sure does shoot when you giver her what she likes. The shooting was done with a 3 1/2 x 10 Leupold VX 3 so I`m sure I could do better if I were to put on a 24 or 30 X target scope.