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Old 04-16-2010, 12:26 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr. 16 gauge View Post
This past Monday, 4/12, we had to put our rescue chessie, Bear, to sleep. He was only 5 years old and we only had him for a little less than three years. He started showing signs of being ill the beginning of last week. I took him in on Weds. and he went down hill that fast despite veterinary intervention.
My wife and I started looking for pictures of him (esp. ones with him & his blue ball, his favorite toy) and much to our dismay, we realized that we really didn't take to many pictures of him. I realize that we didn't have him all that long (only a little less than 3 years), but I thought that we had taken more photos of him that what we had.
In this digital age, it is common to 'delete' photos, esp. if we find we don't have space on the memory card and want to photograph something else.
I've decided to keep one of those disposable cameras handy in the kitchen area so when one of our remaining dogs decides to do something goofy A.) there will be a camera handy and B.) we can't delete the photos after we've taken them. We'll still take photos with the digital camera, but I will be sure to buy more memory cards and get the photos developed.
That's all I wanted to say.....take care and God bless. And take more photos...........
I am sorry to hear of your loss, and every once in a while I catch myself thinking about when Nitro will pass on as he is 7 right now. It really sucks that dogs do not live as long as us.

Regarding the pics, buy a cheap digital camera off of e-bay and a decent memory card for it and then download the photos to a USB hard drive on your computer. That is what I do. I don't delete anything, period. My parents always tell me that I should delete the photos we don't really like so it is easier to go through them later on. Guess what, 30 years from now when my kids go through them, they might like what I would have deleted. To each their own. SAVE THEM ALL. With memory, harddrives, and digital cameras being somewhat cheap nowadays, you can stores thousands and thousands of photos.

I have been doing photos this way since 2001, and have thousands of them. I back everything up weekly and pull the photos from my camera flash card pretty often and back them up right afterward. Then, I keep one of the backup harddrives at my parents' place and another in a safety deposit box to make sure that should my house burn down, I still have everything from the past 10 years, and possibly more.

I've had Nitro for almost 7 years now, and I probably have a couple hundred pics of him and a video of his first ever hunt. Yep, keep it all and back it all up, and take pics like there is no tomorrow.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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