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Old 04-18-2010, 09:43 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr. 16 gauge View Post
Unfortunately, you are talking to someone who is pretty much computer illiterate (or moreover, computer idiot).....some days I have trouble finding the "ON" button.
However, my daughter can probably teach me enough to do these things if I ask I'll ask her. I like the idea of keeping the back ups in the safety deposit box (as well as your other suggestions), so I will look in to doing what you've suggested. Thank you for the tip.
How ironic that a couple days after I post that, my hard drive goes KABOOM and I lost about 200 gigs of info on it. I didn't say data because it wasn't the drive I keep my data on. It was the drive with the operating system (i.e., Windows XP) and all my programs for work (e.g., Microsoft Office, tax programs, accounting programs). It had some serious file corruption and about the only thing I was able to recover was 6 gigs of program files out of 200 gigs. That is why I back everything up on several different drives and I swap them out all the time. I'll use one drive for a month and then swap it out for another. Did I mention that I keep one of the backup drives at my parents. My parents are in the opposite direction of the bank with the safety deposit box.

Honestly, if you are computer savy enough to get on the internet and type all these responses, I am pretty sure you will be able to learn how to back things up to a USB harddrive if your daughter teaches you.

I have a client that didn't back up his financial data and he ended up losing the portable hard drive that he kept all that info on. What a disaster. Since my livelihood depends on the data, I back that up all the time. The operating system and programs can be reloaded without losing much sleep. It just takes a day or two.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.
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