Thread: turkey hunting
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Old 06-01-2010, 06:36 AM is offline
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Was not sure could make 1st day but managed 15min into season 91/2 beard that came runnin in to decoys a yellin. Took friend 2x but had hens take 3 toms from us. Had birds zzzz about 70yds out few times then too but again boss hen kept them there. Not able to get my 2nd bird since tried knee surgery on myself with my chainsaw cuttin wood..and I know better than run my saw left handed too..but made it. Ouch! Did have worries about 1st day since had 3 more stents placed between 2 already in one bypass graft only 2 wks prior to open day..just had to hold shotgun out from body a little but breast in slices like bacon..then rolled slices in bacon strip, pin with tooth pick... bake 300 till bacon done and eat..mmmmm..great way to cook them....just remember...."don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do"
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