Originally Posted by fabsroman
and then a perching place (e.g., wires). . There was also a set of telephone wires going across the grass field right before the pond. I really miss that farm..
See Ol Fabs is teachin you bad stuff right from the start...Perching place, indeed.. If you ever saw Fabs shoot you'd understand why he misses that farm...Cause it's almost impossible to miss 'em when they are perched


Actually Fabs shoots just fine.. I'm kinda teasing at his expence...But he is right. The conditions he states are really good for doves. However in a grain field environment I'd be in there by 1330 in a good sunflower patch we would usually be done in less than an hour. Shooting doves at a waterhole From 1600 hrs on would be good. In a field..take 2 boxes..in a waterhole situation bring 2 boxes..just in case. And at a roost...bring 2 boxes..just in case. First time at dovin I was 11. Took me 74 shells to kill 10.. I grew up from that point on.. Usually takes me about a box to get my limit now days. I shoot an old 1100 410 or an even much older Winchester M-42. Sometimes I use my ol M-12 in 28 ga...just for giggles. Love to shoot doves. Here in Wyoming we have some really large collared doves that have moved in..No limit and no season..Fly just like mourning or white winged doves....except almost as big as a pigeon. 410 ain't quite 'nuff for 'em. I use a 20 I take at least...2 boxes just in case