Nah..the game wardens will think you are a REAL poacher....Ya know I was at a skeet shoot one day and went to a shootoff with 10 boxes..Spooked my opponent big time..I had 2 other shootoffs to attend with the same gun..I needed ammo so went into the clubhouse and bought a 1/2 case.... cheaper that way..won all three shootoffs with no more than 4 shells each..Thought I may have gotten a good idea..
And as for Fabs..the best I ever did was 12 for 13..but I really did pick my shots all under 20 yds just a loafin along...20 ga gun. If you really watch what you are doing it isn't that hard I have a very good friend who although he usually shoots a 12 has shot a limit more'n once with 12 shells...and was quite often 3 geese for 3 shells. He actually shot 3 geese with one shot..flying..if you catch 'em right it is very possible. I've done 2 with one shot on purpose 3 times. But I shot an awful lot of Canadas and a fair amount of those blasted snows. That fellow is a very good friend and probably the best field shot I have ever seen. BTW..2nd best was a lady
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
Last edited by skeet; 07-10-2010 at 03:55 PM.