Decoys do work ok. Have no use for Mojos or regular decoys..unless hunting in a place by myself. In an open sunflower patch(mowed) I generally justcut some small sucker limbs off trees and then stick 'em in the ground around me an my bucket so the silhouette is broken..Don't need to wear camo but it might help..just sit still. Fun and games again..Yippee Waaayyy back yonder I even tried flagging doves and it even worked on them..Guess that's why they came out with the Mojo thing(Nah..Mo Money). Really have no use for them..just a way to get more of yer money in my opinion.. Flap a free flag..gray material..about like a pennant
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin