Darn Fabs I'm not that cheap..But I must admit I do have some serious money in older guns and the Farm in Md and the Ranch here. Considering buying another place in the mountains here..before this recession turns into the depression...or maybe wait. If you think its bad now..wait till the gummit stops propping the economy up with our grandkid's and great grandkid's money. Soon I think..right after the election. I'm buying shooting stuff guns reloading etc as much as I can. Selling older things and buying new to weather the storm when the money will be harder to come up with. But they are things I can use to grow food cut fire wood etc etc. May have to get momma a new car. When you break down out here you know you'll be a 100 miles from anywhere
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin