Originally Posted by skeet
Darn Fabs I'm not that cheap..But I must admit I do have some serious money in older guns and the Farm in Md and the Ranch here. Considering buying another place in the mountains here..before this recession turns into the depression...or maybe wait. If you think its bad now..wait till the gummit stops propping the economy up with our grandkid's and great grandkid's money. Soon I think..right after the election. I'm buying shooting stuff guns reloading etc as much as I can. Selling older things and buying new to weather the storm when the money will be harder to come up with. But they are things I can use to grow food cut fire wood etc etc. May have to get momma a new car. When you break down out here you know you'll be a 100 miles from anywhere
Yep, we shall see how this recession turns out. I didn't think it was over when others thought it was over. I knew this was coming in 2004, but I didn't think it was going to be this bad. We want to sell this townhouse and buy a single family home, but it is just so hard to part with this place because it is way too affordable compared to a single family home. Ultimately, we will move in 2 years. I just need to figure out whether it makes sense to buy a 10 year old home or to buy a lot and build new with the intent of using Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) and going with solar panels on the roof. Our electricity bill here is nuts at $250 a month during the summer and I have the A/C set at 80. Heating is a little more reasonable, but I would still want a wood burning furnace, with a propane backup, put into a house that we build. I can get the wood for free.
Yep, I am far from convinced that this recession is over, and we are hoarding cash right now. It hurt to buy the stupid Focus, but at $15,450 on the road, it was the lesser of 2 evils versus fixing up the POS Sonata.
When consumer confidence comes back and others have broken their wallet open, mine might open a little. My brothers make squeeking noises every time they see me take out my wallet, and then one of them has to warn everybody about the possibility of seeing moths.